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Sweden continues persecution of Christianity
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Joined: 08 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:26 am    Post subject: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

As Europe burns at the hands of Muslim terrorists, Sweden - like the rest of Europe & Canada - invokes Orwellian thought-crime laws to imprison Christians.

The Marxist Swedish government has been persecuting this poor, elderly fellow for years. Well, I suppose it keeps 'em busy until the Jihadis reach Stockholm.

note: thought-crime highlighted in bold below. There is no free speech in Sweden or elsewhere in Europe; Marxist bureacracies also control the pulpits.

Islamist terrorists are exempt from the thought-crimes: the bureaucracies - e.g. Sweden, EUrabia & Canada (via the crooked "Grits" tyranny) - enthusiastically support and protect the Jihadis.

(And, yes, I know - "muslim terrorists" is redundant.)


As Europe Burns....

Swedish Pastor Before Supreme Court November 9 for "Hate Speech" in Sermon staff

BORGHOLM, Sweden, November 8, 2005 ( - The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), an American organization which defends the rights of Christians, is calling for prayer for the Supreme Court trial of Swedish Pastor Ake Green before the Swedish Supreme Court this Wednesday, November 9th. Pastor Green has been charged with committing a "hate crime" for preaching a sermon on homosexuality.

ADF explains that the decision on Pastor Green is likely to affect all religious leaders and is therefore of extreme importance to Christians everywhere. Pastor Green was convicted of a hate crime and sentenced by a district court to one month in prison on June 20, 2004 for preaching a sermon in which he said, "What these people need, who live under the slavery of sexual immorality, is an abundant grace. It exists. Therefore we will encourage those who live in this matter to look at the grace of Jesus Christ. We cannot condemn these people. Jesus never belittled anyone. He offered them grace." (read the full sermon here: )

The Gota Court of Appeals overturned the conviction on February 11, 2005, but the prosecutor has appealed the case to the Supreme Court.

ADF feels Pastor Green's case is so important that it has sent ADF Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull (who founded and served for a number of years as director of a Europe-wide religious liberties legal organization based in Strasburg, France) to assist as much as possible with preparing for the trial. Bull will be meeting with Pastor Green's trial counsel to discuss the oral argument, as well as with several international Christian human rights groups in Europe, such as CARE Trust and Christian Lawyers Fellowship in Great Britain to generate further support for Pastor Green.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:31 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote


I'll bite.

thought-crimes in Canada? I don't suppose you could humour me and be a little more specific. No?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:39 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

I'll pass on whether "you bite" or not. :laugh

But here ya go -

(actually you could've found at the same link as in my post above)

Alberta Christian Pastor Hauled Before Human Rights Tribunal For Letter to Editor on Homosexuality

Will not pay fines or write apology should decision go against him

RED DEER, Alberta, September 2, 2005 ( – Currently Reverend Stephen Boissoin, a young Albertan pastor who spearheads a youth ministry that makes hundreds of weekly contacts with at-risk youth, is in the process of learning Arabic so he can better minister to the many Muslim youth who he says come to his centers. And with two children of his own, in addition to his full-time ministry, he repeatedly remarked during an interview with that he just doesn’t have a lot of time on his hands.

But increasingly these days the young pastor’s thoughts are set on preparing for his Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) hearing that he says will likely be heard in October.

Without the money to pay for legal representation, Stephen has no other alternative but to prepare his own defense. “I know nothing about human rights case law,” he says. “I’m trying to learn. Understand this, I work every single day, have two kids…and right in the middle of that I’m trying to learn human rights law. So, I’ll be very happy when it’s over.” The only problem with that, he points out, is that when it’s all over he may very well be in prison.

Boissoin is being hauled before the Human Rights Commission to answer to a complaint filed by Darren Lund, an assistant professor at the University of Calgary. Lund made his complaint after Boissoin published a letter to the editor in the Red Deer Advocate, in which he denounced homosexuality as immoral and dangerous, and called into question new gay-rights curriculums permeating the province’s educational system.

In that letter to the editor, Boisson lamented that “Children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.”

Boissoin, who is himself no stranger to the dangers of homosexual and bi-sexual activity, since many of the youth he works with fall into that category, repeatedly expressed his concern that behaviour that is dangerous, and sometimes fatal, is being presented as normative and even healthy to the most impressionable. “I was just writing a letter to the editor, to the heterosexual population,” he says, “saying this is something to be very, very concerned about.”

For expressing that view, however, Boissoin has been called a “bigot” and a “hate-mongerer”, and worse. Darren Lund has likened the young pastor to Terry Long of Aryan Nation, a local white supremacist, and James Keegstra, a holocaust denier.

Should Boissoin lose the hearing with the Human Rights Tribunal, he will be forced to pay $7000 in fines. $5000 will go to Darren Lund personally, and another $2000 will go to the rabidly pro-gay-rights group EGALE Canada, which has received large sums of money in the past from the federal government for its court challenges. In addition, Lund has requested that Boissoin be forced to apologize to his readers in another letter to be published in the Red Deer Advocate. Boissoin, however, says that he will not pay those fines, nor will he apologize, even should that mean prison.

He is not hopeful about the outcome. A few days ago, he says, he met with an officer of the Human Rights Commission, who indicated that in publishing his letter Boissoin had gone against the “position” of the Commission. “According to what they have decided is the law, I will probably be found guilty,” he admits.

Nevertheless, the pastor is carefully preparing for the hearing, asking a number of witnesses to come forward and speak on his behalf. “I feel almost too humble to say this, to be honest with you,” he says about those who are willing to come out in his defense, “but they say they’ve worked with me, and they’ve seen my devotion to teens, bi-sexual and homosexual alike, and they’re hurt that I can be fined, and potentially, if I don’t pay these fines, I can be imprisoned.”

“I’m ok with whatever the outcome is,” he concludes. “I’m just going to trust God. I’ve been through a lot in my life…I’m just going to trust Him. He may have me speaking just before the panel and judges and it may touch someone’s heart and minister to them. I’m just going to go in humble, and leave the outcome to God.”

See related articles:



Unelected Human Rights Commission Dictates New Anti-Family Laws in New Brunswick

(End of article, comment below)


On the other hand, the Grits, eager to please the Jihadis in Canada keep trying to throw off dominion law and replace it Sharia law. (Ya might wanna brush on your Arabic.)

Quebec was goofy enough to actually vote on being ruled by Sharia law or not. Contrary to what one would expect, it didn't pass. One can only suppose that it might've been too annoying to have televised hockey games interrupted for live coverage of beheadings of infidels and women who were caught laughing.

If ya see John D. Ranger in this hood, ask him to be your mentor on problems and answers on all things re: Great White North. He seems a great Canadian and all-around good guy.

You're welcome!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:05 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

On the other hand, the Grits, eager to please the Jihadis in Canada keep trying to throw off dominion law and replace it Sharia law.

bullshit. there's nothing of the sort going on at the federal level and the Ontario provincial government slammed the door on that one the day the ruling came out of its Supreme Court. they cancelled the program altogether (or something like that). it was a no-go the instant it became a real threat.

afa the redneck in Alberta spat goes the whole thing sounds like a waste of taxpayer's money to me but I guess that's the cost of maintaining a system of justice.

on edit: although I notice now its given the fundies plenty to talk about.:aua

Edited by: bitwhys at: 11/9/05 5:24
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:40 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

"What these people need, who live under the slavery of sexual immorality, is an abundant grace. It exists. Therefore we will encourage those who live in this matter to look at the grace of Jesus Christ. We cannot condemn these people. Jesus never belittled anyone. He offered them grace." (read the full sermon here: )

No, read the full sermon HERE!

There's no need to read the watered down version disguised as a translation when you can have the real deal, right?

This is in swedish, btw.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:04 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

:aua <----I've noticed this guy shows up whenever there's some kind of denial in progress.

Try reading some of the info in the other links provided, bitwhys. They're quite eye-opening, to be sure.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:10 am    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Try reading some of the info in the other links provided, bitwhys. They're quite eye-opening, to be sure.

I really really really don't give a @#%$ about a private law suit over gay-bashing in Alberta.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:44 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

If that's all you read, you didn't read very far.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Page one of a google search on "Stephen Boissoin" turns up 4 Christian, 3 Family Value, 1 Gay Rights, 1 appearantly non-partisan sites and one Canadian Press article which, although their not generally not one of my preferred sources, is worth reading here.

I could read all day if I didn't trust our legal system.

Since you brought it up, I was interested in the corpus delicti, so to speak...

Homosexual Agenda Wicked

June 17, 2002

The following is not intended for those who are suffering from an unwanted sexual identity crisis. For you, I have understanding, care, compassion and tolerance. I sympathize with you and offer you my love and fellowship. I prayerfully beseech you to seek help, and I assure you that your present enslavement to homosexuality can be remedied. Many outspoken, former homosexuals are free today.

Instead, this is aimed precisely at every individual that in any way supports the homosexual machine that has been mercilessly gaining ground in our society since the 1960s. I cannot pity you any longer and remain inactive. You have caused far too much damage.

My banner has now been raised and war has been declared so as to defend the precious sanctity of our innocent children and youth, that you so eagerly toil, day and night, to consume. With me stand the greatest weapons that you have encountered to date - God and the "Moral Majority." Know this, we will defeat you, then heal the damage that you have caused. Modern society has become dispassionate to the cause of righteousness. Many people are so apathetic and desensitized today that they cannot even accurately define the term "morality."

The masses have dug in and continue to excuse their failure to stand against horrendous atrocities such as the aggressive propagation of homo- and bisexuality. Inexcusable justifications such as, "I'm just not sure where the truth lies," or "If they don't affect me then I don't care what they do," abound from the lips of the quantifiable majority.

Face the facts, it is affecting you. Like it or not, every professing heterosexual is have their future aggressively chopped at the roots.

Edmund Burke's observation that, "All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," has been confirmed time and time again. From kindergarten class on, our children, your grandchildren are being strategically targeted, psychologically abused and brainwashed by homosexual and pro-homosexual educators.

Our children are being victimized by repugnant and premeditated strategies, aimed at desensitizing and eventually recruiting our young into their camps. Think about it, children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.

Your children are being warped into believing that same-sex families are acceptable; that men kissing men is appropriate.

Your teenagers are being instructed on how to perform so-called safe same gender oral and anal sex and at the same time being told that it is normal, natural and even productive. Will your child be the next victim that tests homosexuality positive?

Come on people, wake up! It's time to stand together and take whatever steps are necessary to reverse the wickedness that our lethargy has authorized to spawn. Where homosexuality flourishes, all manner of wickedness abounds.

Regardless of what you hear, the militant homosexual agenda isn't rooted in protecting homosexuals from "gay bashing." The agenda is clearly about homosexual activists that include, teachers, politicians, lawyers, Supreme Court judges, and God forbid, even so-called ministers, who are all determined to gain complete equality in our nation and even worse, our world.

Don't allow yourself to be deceived any longer. These activists are not morally upright citizens, concerned about the best interests of our society. They are perverse, self-centered and morally deprived individuals who are spreading their psychological disease into every area of our lives. Homosexual rights activists and those that defend them, are just as immoral as the pedophiles, drug dealers and pimps that plague our communities.

The homosexual agenda is not gaining ground because it is morally backed. It is gaining ground simply because you, Mr. and Mrs. Heterosexual, do nothing to stop it. It is only a matter of time before some of these morally bankrupt individuals such as those involved with NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Lovers Association, will achieve their goal to have sexual relations with children and assert that it is a matter of free choice and claim that we are intolerant bigots not to accept it.

If you are reading this and think that this is alarmist, then I simply ask you this: how bad do things have to become before you will get involved? It's time to start taking back what the enemy has taken from you. The safety and future of our children is at stake.

Rev Stephen Boissoin

Now that I've read it, I'll say the true value of preserving his right to make statements of this nature publically is worth discussing in a court of law.

That "is have" typo alone could be a real hoot if Lund's team decides to get technical:bigeyes .

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

oh and hey!

if Free Speech is such a concern of yours you may want to keep an eye on this one...

The won't-be-bullied pulpit

A Pasadena cleric cited by the IRS refuses to surrender 'the very soul of our ministry.'

By George Regas, THE REV. DR. GEORGE REGAS was rector of All Saints Church in Pasadena from 1967 to 1995.

I CAN'T TELL YOU how surprised and shocked I was — and how disappointed — when All Saints Church was informed that the sermon I preached on Oct. 31, 2004, might have constituted an impermissible intervention into a political campaign under the Internal Revenue Code.

I gave the sermon on the Sunday before the presidential election. It was called, "If Jesus Debated Sen. Kerry and President Bush." In it, I took great care to say that I did not want to tell people how to vote, but that I was challenging them to go into the voting booth on Tuesday taking with them all that they knew about Jesus, the peacemaker. To take all that Jesus meant to them and then vote their deepest values.

No one from the IRS attended my sermon, to my knowledge. The agency apparently saw an article about it in The Times the following day. The Times described it as "an indictment of the Bush administration's policies on Iraq" and noted that I had criticized the drive to develop more nuclear weapons and described tax cuts that benefited the rich as "inimical to the values of Jesus." Based on that, the IRS made a subjective determination that the sermon implicitly opposed one candidate and endorsed another.

During my 28 years as rector of All Saints Church, I often preached sermons that touched upon what some would characterize as "political" issues. So many of the political issues that we confront today coincide with deeply held, core religious beliefs: issues relating to marriage, family, community and yes, even war and foreign policy.

It seems to me that fundamentally moral issues, such as peace and the alleviation of poverty, are indisputably the province of church pulpits, regardless of which politicians are debating that week or where a Sunday happens to fall in an election cycle. My successor, Ed Bacon, has continued this tradition of proclaiming a theologically based commitment to alleviating poverty and promoting peace and social justice.

An IRS audit will not diminish the prophetic ministry of All Saints Church. Peace and the alleviation of poverty are core values of the congregation. If we were to allow the IRS to silence us, we would lose our integrity and the very soul of our ministry. That will not happen.

Some fear that the threats of the IRS and the publicity surrounding my sermon will have a chilling effect on other churches that would like to speak out for peace in this war-fractured world. Perhaps it will for a few.

But I think many more will take courage from this story and find ways to be true to the core values of their faith. They will find creative ways to proclaim that religious communities must stop blessing war and violence. I am heartened by the outpouring of support that All Saints has already received from many in the faith community whose beliefs span a wide spectrum. They realize this matter involves 1st Amendment principles we all hold dear.

My sermon did not cross the line that violates the tax laws governing churches. The IRS apparently is making a subjective determination that I implicitly opposed one candidate and endorsed the other. Its analysis ignores the fact that I explicitly stated that I was not advising anyone how to vote.

I recognize that churches must comply with the tax law. When I was rector of All Saints Church, we diligently enforced a policy against campaign intervention. Bacon has carefully continued this policy.

Some might argue that religious communities should stay out of politics altogether. But that would render our message of core moral values — the values that Jesus taught us — irrelevant. The fact is, all life is arguably political. For example, Jesus says to us: "Heal the sick." Thus, when we address the desperate health needs in the nation and across the planet, this is at once a moral and a political issue.

The rightful role of communities of faith is not to speak and act as though God is in the pocket of the Democratic or Republican parties. Our role is to boldly proclaim the biblical themes of justice for all, peace on Earth, the sacredness of all life and the preciousness and fragility of the environment

let me know when you can return the favour and manage to drag up a copy of that sermon. k?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:09 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

bitwhys - "Now that I've read it, I'll say the true value of preserving his right to make statements of this nature publically is worth discussing in a court of law."

The fact that you would even consider it is proof that, to the extent people have been brainwashed into believing it's about equal rights on not pushing an agenda, he is right on the money.

from bitwhys' post - "Some might argue that religious communities should stay out of politics altogether. But that would render our message of core moral values — the values that Jesus taught us — irrelevant."

I certainly think that politics should play no part in a sermon. The Bible is about each of us as individuals...not how to vote. If this guy understood that, then he also would have understood the falicy of the next sentence.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:55 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

So why is Pat Robertson still a charity case?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:50 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Don't ask me.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

My banner has now been raised and war has been declared so as to defend the precious sanctity of our innocent children and youth

How does this fit into the realm of free speech?

Is this appropriate?

Declaring war?

Maybe his intention is a war of words or a war of legislation, but he didn't express it very well.

I wonder what would happen in America if I 'declared war' on the corrupt American government, vowing to bring about change?

I don't think Christians should be silenced with their ignorant belief structures, I put them in the same place as I put White Supremacists, they have every right to spout their crap even if I disagree.

But when does that free speech cross a line? There are lines in America when it comes to free speech, like yelling fire in a crowded building, so maybe declaring war on homosexuality is the same kind of line, I'm not real sure about that one.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:07 pm    Post subject: Re: Sweden continues persecution of Christianity Reply with quote

Declare war on homosexuality? No. Declare war on the homosexual agenda being pushed on society and our children under the guise of "equal rights"? Absolutely...but still not enough. That's just the arsenic icing on the cianide cake. Take sex out of the classroom alltogether? Now you're talking. Teaching kids all about sex and condoms and all manner of related things who haven't even reached the age of puberty takes something that should be private and makes it public, along with instilling something in their minds long before a natural age for such things. It's no wonder we have so many problems with promiscuity among youth, and a casual attitude towards something that should (in my opinion) be something that is not the least bit casual. It all starts in the classroom...teaching kids about it, and in the process validating any actions they may take by making it a social issue. This subject is something that should remain between mother and daughter, father and son.

NRK - "I don't think Christians should be silenced with their ignorant belief structures, I put them in the same place as I put White Supremacists, they have every right to spout their crap even if I disagree."

How would you like it if somebody lumped you in with pedophiles, NRK? You didn't seem to like it much when you misstook my opinion on something before surrounding that issue. You ask others to be sensitive, but methinks you need to practice what you preach a little more closely.

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